Bone-Shaped Pool for Dogs

View our completion of Dogwood Acres doggy daycare pool!
New Residential Pool Construction

Take a look at this new inground sports pool we are building. It features a sun shelf for lounging, two skimmers and a high velocity filtration system.
How Trees Impact In-Ground Pool Construction

Are you thinking about installing an in-ground swimming pool in a yard full of trees? If so, there are some scenarios you need to prepare for. Whether you decide to keep the trees or get rid of some of them, you need to be aware of how trees impact in-ground swimming pool construction. Here is a closer look at what might be in store for you.
Getting a Swimming Pool Loan

It’s no secret that in-ground swimming pools are somewhat pricey, even if you work with an affordable pool installation company. If you are looking to install a pool but need money to do so, you may seek out a swimming pool loan. You could get this through a traditional bank or through a swimming pool lender, depending on the nature of your credit and your pool project as a whole. Let’s take a look at the process of getting a swimming pool loan so you can know what to expect along the way.
Simple Pool Enhancements and Redesigns

Want to update your existing pool without spending a ton of money? There are plenty of pool remodeling options you can explore without completely redoing your swimming pool. In the article below, we will go over some simple pool enhancements and redesigns that you can use to transform your pool into your personal outdoor oasis.
Get the Perfect Pool on a Budget

Have big plans for your swimming pool and a small budget to work with? Never fear! There are some simple tricks you can use to get a beautiful, enjoyable dream pool on a dime. With the guide below, you can adjust your plans to get the most out of your investment. Read on to learn how to get the perfect swimming pool on a budget.
Choosing Your Swimming Pool Colors

The colors of your swimming pool features can have a major impact on the overall look of your backyard. You can determine the tone of your pool and how well it blends in with your home based on the shades and stones you select for your design. Before you begin your swimming pool installation, make sure you have a color scheme that will work well for your needs. Here is a guide explaining how to choose your swimming pool colors.
Pros and Cons of Winter Swimming Pool Installation

In an effort to save money on swimming pool installation, you may be tempted to have your pool installed in the winter when there is less competition and the demand for swimming pools is low. While that thought process does have some weight to it, there are a lot of dangers to winter swimming pool installation that you need to keep in mind. Depending on your area, this may or may not be the best time of year for you to install a pool in your backyard. Before you decide on installing a swimming pool in the winter, consider these drawbacks.
How Much Does a New Inground Pool Cost?

As with any home addition, the cost of a new pool plays a big role in determining if this is a good investment for you. There are several factors that influence the price of a swimming pool, including construction materials, landscaping, layout, special features, size, and more. If you are trying to figure out what you might spend on a new swimming pool, the information below will point you in the right direction.
Swimming Pool Repainting Myths

If you’re planning on repainting your swimming pool this summer, you may want to do some research ahead of time. Of course, we always advise having professional pool painters do the work for you, but we can’t stop you from tackling it yourself. Instead, we want to reveal some common swimming pool repainting myths so you don’t fall into common traps along the way. Read on to learn what to avoid in your repainting project.