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Why You Should Wash Your Body BEFORE Using the Pool

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The concept of washing your body before getting into the swimming pool is a little strange to most people. Why would you bother to rinse your body with water when you’re about to jump in a pool full of it? There are a number of benefits that come with pre-swim rinses, which is why many pool owners we’ve worked with have installed outdoor showers by their pools for guests to use before they swim. Here is a look at why washing before swimming is so important to the maintenance and lifetime of your swimming pool.

Reduce the Abuse of Your Filtration System

Your pool’s filtration system already has to work hard to keep leaves, dead bugs, twigs, and other elements out of your pool water. If you jump into the pool dirty, you add even more objects to the mix. This will cause your filter to work harder, which means that it will require more upkeep. You’ll have to pay for more repairs or more replacement parts simply because the filtration system was thrown into overdrive. A simple rinse before jumping into the pool can save you a ton of money in the long run.

Maintain a Proper Balance for Your Water Chemistry

Another factor to keep in mind is your swimming pool’s water chemistry. There is a delicate balance of chemicals in your pool that keeps the water sparkling clear. After several people go into the pool drenched with sweat and dirt, the pool’s water chemistry is going to change. The amount of change you experience will depend on the size of the pool and the number of “contaminants” that come into the water, but the big point here is that it’s harder to maintain a proper balance with dirty bodies entering the pool. Rinsing off would minimize the amount of elements that enter the pool and adjust the water chemistry.

Keep Your Water Looking Clear

The cleaner you are, the cleaner your water is going to be. It’s as simple as that. If you jump in after playing in the mud, your water is going to be brown and murky. If you jump in after a sweaty jog, the water may look grey or yellow. Whatever the case may be, you’re not going to have clear water for a while until your filter gets rid of all the junk you just put in it. Once again, that puts more work on your filter and may cost you money in repairs in the long run.

Also keep in mind that the dirt you bring into the pool could stain the sides of the pool in time. This will also make your water look less clear than it actually is because the sides will reflect in the water. If you want to keep your cleaning requirements down, you need to be able to clean yourself off before you go for a swim.

Final Thoughts

Will you destroy your pool forever by swimming without rinsing? Of course not. However, you can make your pool and your pool equipment last longer and work better just by washing off before you go for a swim. Even if you just run your body under a garden hose before swimming, you’ll be doing your pool a big favor. You could put a bucket of clean water near the pool for people to dip their feet in before swimming. Little tricks like this will go a long way in keeping your pool in tip-top shape.

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